(847) 430-4900

Disaster Recovery Planning

Disaster Recovery Planning – it’s not just about “restoring from a backup”
A Business Continuity Plan identifies the critical processes and systems within your organization.
A Disaster Recovery Plan will be used to restore IT services in case of an outage caused by facilities or systems being unavailable.
An Incident Response Plan will guide the organization through responding to a cybersecurity event. Include gap analysis and recommendations for improvement
Foundational Plan must be First
Organization knows they need a plan, but have not developed one require a Foundational Plan before you begin creating the detailed individual system plans.
We provide guidance in collecting internal information and producing a set of plans that meet insurance/client/standards requirements
This allows a baseline examination of critical processes/systems/facilities/personnel before they contemplate a more thorough plan.
Through a combination of interviews, worksheets and/or surveys we will evaluate your organization and prepare a Disaster Recovery plan that fulfills NIST Cybersecurity Framework (NIST 800.34) Identify, Respond and Recover objectives. ​
The final report will include:
a high level business continuity assessment identifying all core functional areas within your organization,
a prioritized order of operations for restoration of the core functional areas should a disaster occur,
strategic responses to possible outcomes resulting from a disaster incident,
high level steps to be done to restore operations,
identification of gaps between current and desired resilience and restoration capabilities,
a strategic incident response plan in case of disaster.
A complete disaster recovery plan for a single core functional area
A complete incident response plan for a single core functional area
A complete business continuity plan for a single core functional area
This report is intended to bring awareness and act as a launching pad for future improvements to your disaster recovery capabilities.

Areas of Focus

Business Continuity
Process and Systems Inventory
Plan Management

Disaster Recovery
Facility Inventory
Systems Inventory
Communications Plan
Plan Management

Incident Response
Detection Controls
Communications Plan
Plan Management

Business Continuity
Emergency Contact Information
Office and Facility Locations
Priority Process Inventory
Updates and Annual Review Process
Senior Manager Approval

Disaster Recovery
Office and Facility Locations
Disaster Detection and Determination
Communications Plan (Internal/External)
Initiation of Plan
Activation of Backup Facilities
Disaster Recovery Strategy
System Inventory
Recovery Team Descriptions
Updates and Annual Review Process
Senior Manager Approval

Incident Response
Adverse Event Definition
Detection Controls
Communications Plan (Internal/External)
Recovery Team Descriptions
Incident Response Framework
Updates and Annual Review Process
Senior Manager Approval